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Here at Ample Accounting, client engagement is vital. We love to keep our clients updated with the latest tips and tricks of the accounting, bookkeeping and tax return worlds. To keep up with the ever-changing realm of accounting, read our expert accounting team’s blog posts every month.

 How can I reduce my taxable income?
Nov 15, 20
How can I reduce my taxable income?
Besides following the rules, complying with the deadlines, and keeping accurate documentation, there are many ATO-approved strategies you can apply in order to reduce your taxable income, which will maximise your tax return and will keep money in your account ...+
 Is it better to file taxes with an accountant?
Oct 15, 20
Is it better to file taxes with an accountant?
The tax return process might seem simple, but in reality, understanding the changes in the taxation system, getting more tax refunds and avoiding mistakes might take a bit more than patience and time ― and that’s not even mentioning all ...+
 Why Doctors Should Hire Qualified Accountants?
Sep 15, 20
Why Doctors Should Hire Qualified Accountants?
Doctors, given the time and dedication needed in their profession, are one of the more heavily demanding occupations. When their jobs become too much to handle, it becomes easy to neglect other responsibilities that doctors have, like finance. Whether it’s ...+
 Business Accountant: Why It is Essential For Your Business
Aug 15, 20
Business Accountant: Why It is Essential For Your Business
Many start a business thinking only of making profits and running the business well. With that, not many prioritize the importance of accounting. The need only comes when the numbers start to pile up and responsibilities need to be fulfilled. ...+