Tax Returns from $35 – Best Price Tax Accountant in Bankstown
Tax Returns time has been the most exciting time for most of us in Australia. No of people consider tax returns as forced savings and wait for this period to receive return and plan for a holiday, reduce the mortgage, pay overdue bills, arrange parties, etc.
With excitement, it also comes with some responsibility. To receive a maximum return, you need to consider a valid claim of expenses. Unfortunately, our tax laws are complicated. We are stuck between the Income-tax return act 1936 and Income tax return act 1997. As well as, frequent changes in rules often makes difficult for to property deal with tax claims.
And, here we come, Ample Accounting & Taxation Services to assist you with your simple to completed tax affairs. Our qualified, registered, and experienced tax agent guides you to the right direction to maximize income tax return and advises how to maintain a record to present to the Australian Taxation Office (if required).
At present, the whole world is going through a shaking situation due to COVID 19. In Australia also, many of us, lost income, struggling with family expenses, living with minimum or no support from an authority, and in short summary, living with financial difficulties with phycological pressure.
Why Ample Accounting & Taxation Services:
Ample Accounting & Taxation Services, your local recommended tax agent has been with you since establishment. We not only operate a business but also stand with the community with our best effort.
For the Tax Return period 2019-2020, we are offering up to 60% off our tax return service fees to support you at least a little financially.
International students living in Australia had almost no support from any authority for their living or education expenses. However, in the 2018-2019 financial year, they have contributed $37.6 billion in our Australian Economy (Ref: Due to worldwide COVID 19 situations, many of their sponsors are suffering from financial difficulties.
Ample Accounting & Taxation Services’ Special Tax Services Offer for 2019-2020 Financial Year
- 60% off for International Students in Australia starting from $35
- 20% Off for Australian Residents and Citizen starting from $70
If you are not well, can not make time to visit us face to face, we can also assist you with online services. We can arrange a video call, online forms, or Phone call to prepare your income tax return.
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